We are committed to support our communities.
Tourism, Events and Infrastructure servicesHimalayan Family House is an establishment of operations to pursue our Vision:- “Establishment of permanent communal integrity with decentralized morality for non violent prosperity”.
Himalayan Family House is working with mission of making effective services for Community, tourism and Events adopted by the local government, communities & cultures and support poverty alleviation by generating the flow of foreign and national revenue in general public.
Himalayan Family House will further enhance Tourism, Events and Infrastructure development efforts by the private sector in partnership with local communities to achieve our missions we have purposed as fallowing..
Objectives for the community and individuals alike
हाम्रा कार्यक्रमहरुमा तल उपलभ्ध शीर्षकहरुलाई प्राथमिकतामा राखेर बिभिन्न समुहसँग कार्ययोजना को रुपरेखा तयार पार्न तथा हाम्रा सपना हरुको दृस्य चित्र प्रदर्शनी को निमित्त हामी यही आउदो असौज ३ गते बैतडी देखी डडेल्धुरा, डोटि,अछाम्, दैलेख्, जाजरकोट्,रुकुम पश्चिम/पूर्व, बाग्लुङ, पर्बत्, कास्की, लम्जुङ्, गोरखा, धाधिङग, नुवाकोट,सिन्धुपलान्चोक, कभ्रेपलन्चोक, सिन्धुली, ओखलढुङ्गा खोटाङ्ग्, भोजपुर, धनकुटा, तेह्रथुम हुँदै असौज १२ गते पाँचथर सम्मको यात्रा गर्न गयिरहेका छौ । यस अवसर को भरपुर सदुप योग गर्न नछुटाउनु होला; जसको निमित्त तपाइले आफ्नो समुह्, आफुले गर्न चाहेको ब्यवसाय, आफ्ना समुहहरुको आगामी उदेस्य आदी का रेखा चित्र बनाउदै गर्नुहुन सनम्र अनुरोध गर्दछौ
हिमालयन परीवार प्रतिश्ठान प्रा. ली. नेपाल
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